

The Protocol module contains the logic for the synchronization protocol.

The TingChain uses libp2p as the networking layer, and on top of that runs gRPC.

GRPC for Other Nodes

service V1 {
    // Returns status information regarding the specific point in time
    rpc GetCurrent(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (V1Status);
    // Returns any type of object (Header, Body, Receipts...)
    rpc GetObjectsByHash(HashRequest) returns (Response);
    // Returns a range of headers
    rpc GetHeaders(GetHeadersRequest) returns (Response);
    // Watches what new blocks get included
    rpc Watch(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream V1Status);

Status Object

message V1Status {
    string difficulty = 1;
    string hash = 2;
    int64 number = 3;

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